


Reiki is Japanese for Universal Life Force Energy.

Reiki (pronounced ray key) is an ancient system that can be experienced by either ‘hands on’ or by distant (remote) healing.

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EFT & Matrix Reimprinting 

Emotional Freedom Technique – or ‘tapping’ is a simple yet powerful technique to help clear the client’s symptoms by releasing subconscious beliefs and emotions.

Matrix Reimprinting uses tapping to clear the impact of difficult, painful, or traumatic events and memories that are stuck in our energy field.

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Access Bars® & Facelift

The Access Bars® is a treatment that involves the practitioner gently touching 32 points on your head. It's like pressing the delete button, clearing outdated beliefs and programming and creating mental space

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What is Reiki?

Reiki promotes physical, mental, and emotional healing, as well as spiritual growth. The practitioner channels energy, which the recipient's body directs to areas in need, raising vibrational frequency and clearing blockages. This detoxifies the body, relieves stress, and promotes relaxation.

Reiki can also address deep-rooted physical or emotional issues. Scientific studies show that practitioners emit bio-magnetic energy from their hands, inducing healing currents in the recipient's tissues and cells.

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What is EFT? 

EFT stops the stress response by tapping acupressure points while focusing on an upsetting event, altering the brain’s reaction to perceived threats. This lowers cortisol and boosts immune-related hormones, helping the body function properly.

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What is Matrix Reimprinting?

When we experience trauma, we often freeze and hold it in our bodies. Matrix Reimprinting safely unfreezes and releases this trauma, resolving it for the younger part of us that has been holding onto it. 

 Matrix Reimprinting can address trauma from both childhood and adulthood, including early life when core beliefs are formed.

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What is Access Bars

The points touched on the head (known as bars) contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, limitations and considerations that you have stored that can stop you from creating a life you love.

Patterns and ‘programs’ we’ve taken on through life cause us to react to life on autopilot, with unconscious resistance to the very experiences we most long for.

Once cleared, we become free to function again with clarity and awareness, and open to new ways of being.

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